Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week of September 27th--The Great Gatsby!

How is Jordan Baker a composite character? What does she represent, and why does Nick ultimately reject her at the end of the story?

What is Daisy's emotional response the day she marries Tom; why does she respond this way?

At the culmination of the story, what do we learn about Daisy? What is revealed about her character? Be detailed and specific, use direct examples and quotes from the text.

How is George Wilson and Jay Gatsby similar characters? Be thoughtful, and use your analysis from your inner/outer circle discussions.

Week of September 27th--Gothic Literature!

With your blog group, develop 2 level two questions that reflect your reading of Hawthorne's "The Minister's Black Veil"; you must also respond thoughtfully to these 2 level two questions! Remember, you should post these 2 level two questions, then respond to them. You are expected to refine and inform your blog at least three times throughout the week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of September 20th! Gothic Literature

Discuss who could be the villain (antagonist) in Tell-Tale Heart? Consider your many options for the villain and discuss your rationale for your final choice.

What is the narrators motivation in reciting the crime? Consider the details he provides as he recites the crime from the beginning to the end.

What is the ultimate irony in Tell-Tale Heart and how does it relate to the title of the story?

Week of September 20th! The Great Gatsby

Discuss the ways in which the narrator (Nick) is the moral voice of the novel. What bold decisions does he make towards the end of the novel, and how do these decisions inform his persona as one of moral strength?

What role does the weather play in developing our understanding of characters and situations? Consider some of the most significant scenes in the novel and how the weather informs those scenes and our understanding of a character's persona.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Great Gatsby--Week of September 13th!

For this week, each blog group should develop two level two questions from chapters one through 6 to answer with your group. If you have a question on whether your question is an appropriate level two question, please check with me.

The Masque of the Red Death--Week of September 13th

Describe the internal and external workings of the Protagonist (Prince Prospero).

Why does Prince Prospero voluntarily isolate himself?

Who does Prince Prospero invite to his great fete?

Describe Prince Prospero's great fete and the physical description of each of the seven apartments (chambers).

Who is the villian and how does he represent the "repressed emotions" of Prince Prospero?